Genuine news must continue to be a fundamental part of the lives of individuals and societies and the NMC believes that this must include reports, images, comment, analysis from organised events such as sports, news from cultural and civic events – all of which are equally at the heart of the fabric of everyday social life.
It is vital that there is an assured future for independent professionally-produced journalistic news-gathering operations and news content distribution; and the NMC demands there must be economic and public policy conditions to enable the news media sector to run viable, relevant and growing news businesses.
NMC membership objects to the imposition of arbitrary limits on news from organised events of high public interest which in any way hinders the ability of the public to make decisions about accessing independent news content from varied sources of supply such as news publishers or news agencies.
Notions that public-relations material, subjective ‘news’ produced in-house by event rights-owners or social media volume is a substitute for professionally-produced news are rejected by the NMC. It has a place – but is not the mainstay of informed opinion or understanding of turns of events.
It is becoming ever-more evident, we say, that quality journalism is dependent on real news gathering – especially when reporters, photographers and video-journalists are able to provide witness accounts on the ground at events, including sports tournaments.
In the interests of the public right to know and real news viability we urge the public, sporting and other news events and their commercial partners, and governments to value news. Commercial and societal values must be factored into assessing what drives individual interest and brand exposure.
We are convinced news organisations that are trusted, have market reach, have a pattern of investment in independent news coverage (NMC Members) must be given the best opportunities to run news operations in and around organised events of public interest – and for such opportunities to grow to match informational evolution.
Our News Media Coalition target is to secure news content and business freedoms for members, the news-consuming public and future generations – and to do so single-mindedly but also in collaboration with the subjects of news, event organisations and public policy makers who recognise the importance of the news sector.