European Publishers Council

//European Publishers Council

European Publishers Council

Company Summary

A high-level lobby group founded by CEOs and Chairmen leading European media companies including the publishers of the main news media titles across the EU and beyond, the EPC’s primary goal is to review and advise on media legislation in Europe.

The primary goals of the EPC are maintaining a healthy media business environment, ensuring a level playing field for all players in the digital market, securing press freedom, ensuring media access to events and promoting the establishment of self-regulation of advertising and editorial content via codes of practice. This is achieved by lobbying efforts aimed at the European Commission, the European Parliament, Members States and other stakeholders. The objective has always been to encourage good law-making for a healthy media industry.

Key Facts

  • Since 1991, EPC and its members has  worked to review the impact of proposed European legislation on the media.

  • Business led, proactive than reactive.

  • Driving force behind the need for a “publisher’s right” at European level.

EPC history

The European Publisher’s Council was founded in 1991 by 12 CEOs and owners of European publishing houses. It currently has 25 members, and is based in Brussels. Current EPC Chairman is Christian van Thilo, CEO of De Persgroep, Belgium.

Company Website