Journalists from major news brands competed in the industry’s annual ‘Press Freedom’ football tournament at the weekend.
After nine failed attempts, ‘Cardiff City’ journalists won the trophy by beating The Times, Telegraph and CNN at Market Road, Islington. In previous years the Press Association, ITN and other media teams have competed for the coveted ‘Media-Mojos Tournoi’ trophy. In congratulating the Cardiff City captain Steve Busfield, Andrew Moger (who played for The Times), recalled that the event was both a social gathering of journalists as well as an opportunity to reflect on importance of the news industry working together to defend hard-fought press and news business freedoms.
The 2022 winning team represented the School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies at Cardiff University and Busfield, the team’s always vocal and occasionally mobile captain, has worked for the Guardian, ESPN, International Business Times UK and the Daily Mail, covering a wide variety of topics including news, business and sport. He was the sports editor for the launch of Guardian US.
Moger, whose consultancy Media-Mojos established the 11-a-side round-robin tournament in 2004, is the Chief Executive of the News Media Coalition.