Primary Source Journalism
What is Primary Source Journalism (PSJ)?
Primary Source Journalism (PSJ) is the reporting of newsworthy current affairs by trained journalists with the purpose of better informing society. The creation of written reports, photography and video news material relies on journalists being able to witness news events of public interest and to access information about them. PSJ requires distinctive journalistic skills and conforms to industry codes of practice.
What are examples of Primary Source Journalism?
PSJ occurs around politics, protests, natural disasters, conflicts, business affairs and legal proceedings as well as at organised cultural, sports, showbusiness, and civic events. PSJ includes interviews with high-profile figures, personalities and members of the public who have participated in or witnessed such events.
Why is Primary Source Journalism So Important?
PSJ is a vital, consistent and high-value societal asset providing trust-worthy, real-time and authentic accounts in a world of harmful synthetic content and disinformation. It is the bed-rock of local, national and global knowledge about current affairs, influence and social change. PSJ news content flows through a longstanding network of trusted news brands and into the hands of today’s news consumers.
How the NMC Protects PSJ
The NMC, dynamically and uniquely, safeguards independent PSJ newsgathering and news businesses by securing journalist attendance at organised events of news and public interest. The NMC challenges censorship in the form of limits on access, on distribution of news and the development of Primary Source Journalism reporting.
Protecting Real Newsgathering
Newsgathering before, during and in and around organised news events is under considerable attack. Sport, celebrity and civic events are increasingly tough environment to operate – as opportunities for independent news-gathering are sold off. The NMC challenges this.
Safeguarding Event Coverage
News consumers demand journalistic material such as photography, text, updates, news video from events of interest is available as soon as possible on all media and technologies. The NMC challenges limitations on this.
Shaping Public Policy
News media freedom and the role of news can be sustained by positive public policy – or destroyed by it. Copyright in news material must be protected, news-gathering respected, the news sector sustained. The NMC shapes public policy thinking.
Promoting Industry Values
Real news is the life-blood of societies – and enriches the world of commerce. Through journalistic endeavour, professional newsroom operations and investment, NMC Members provide valuable service to news consumers and to other businesses which associate themselves with us. The NMC promotes these values.