US press unites behind CNN journalist banned by White House

///US press unites behind CNN journalist banned by White House

US press unites behind CNN journalist banned by White House

On 26 July, 2018, CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins attended a White House Event and asked Donald Trump about Vladimir Putin’s postponed visit, in addition to the Michael Cohen tapes recently released. She was then banned from the Rose Garden Event which is free to all press.

Collins was told by the White House communications director Bill Shine and press secretary Sarah Sanders that her questions directed to the President were “inappropriate” and she was not allowed to attend the event with Trump and Juncker where they announced a joint working dialogue on trade.

Reporters from all sides of the media world, including Fox News, condemned the move, saying “we (Fox News) stand in strong solidarity with CNN for the right to full access for our journalists as part of a free and unfettered press.”


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