The Kazan Action Plan, adopted in July 2017 by Sports Ministers, is significant for those that have driven change in terms of sport integrity, participation and sustainability – as well as media freedom and public access to independent journalistic information about events and sport administration.
The Plan specifies the need for ‘media freedom’ as well as protection for ‘whistle-blower’ informants. But it also ‘recalls, appreciates and underlines’ the linked UNESCO’s International Charter of Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport (‘Sports Charter’), which backs news media’s independent role stating, amongst at other points, in Article 10.10: ‘Public authorities and sports organizations should encourage the media to promote and protect the integrity of physical education, physical activity and sport. The media are invited to fulfil their role as critical and independent observers of events, organizations and stakeholders, informing the public of the benefits, risks and educational values of physical education, physical activity and sport.’
Link to key elements of Kazan Action Plan HERE and UNESCO ‘Sport Charter’ HERE