Independent journalism is a major driver for informing citizens about sport, cultural events and democratic life.
This service to society is best facilitated when journalists can not only access and report sporting, cultural, political and events of high-interest, without restrictions, but also fairly monetise their content across platforms.
Being fairly remunerated for the services and content offered to the public enables the news media to remain economically viable, grow and therefore have the confidence to invest in innovative means of communicating to an audience with evolving expectations.
The News Media Coalition aims to facilitate a positive mutual coexistence between event organisers and the news media. News gatherers reporting and accessing events raise the profile of the subjects of news and brings sponsors to the attention of consumers across the breadth of society.
However, this mutual co-existence is challenged when news gatherers face barriers to reporting on events. It is in this context that the News Media Coalition has invited organisers of events of high public and news interest to observe the following fundamental ‘’free press’’ principles of this Media Freedom Charter as drawn up by the News Media Coalition.